Teaching activities

Since 2015, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Economics and Management (France)  : 

  • Macroeconomics (Bachelor degree, 2nd year, in French),
  • Economic policy (Bachelor degree, 3rd year, in French),
  • European Macroeconomics (Bachelor degree, 3nd year, in English),
  • Support to students professional project (Bachelor degree, 2nd  and 3rd year, in French),
  • Budgetary macroeconomics : Fiscal policy and public finance (Master degree, 1st year, in French),
  • European integration (Master degree, 1st year, in French),
  • Eurozone macroeconomic governance (Master degree, 2nd year, in French).


2024 (April), University of Louvain and University of Leuwen (Belgium) : 

  • Next Generation EU: Issues and challenges on the eve of European elections (Master degree, English).


2024 (April), Luiss University, Department of Economics and Finance (Italy) : 

  • Climate action in the European Union: Issues and challenges (Master degree, English),
  • Fiscal discipline and economic governance in the EMU (Master degree, English).


2024 (April), University of Edinburg, Edinburg Law School (United Kingdom) : 

  • Climate action in the European Union: Issues and challenges (Master degree, English).


2023 (December), University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business (Netherland) : 

  • Next Generation EU (2020-2027) : New EU strategy for growth and employment ? (Master degree, English),
  • Fiscal discipline in the EMU, government performance and fiscal transparency (Master degree, English).


2023 (May), University of Urbino, Faculty of Economics, Society and Politics (Italy) : 

  • The Next Generation EU  : A dual proposal tool(Master degree, English),
  • The EU strategy for growth and employment: from Lisbon Strategy to NGEU (PhD degree, English).


2023 (May), University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Science (Italy) : 

  • The EU strategy for growth and employment: from Lisbon Strategy to NGEU (Master degree, English),
  • Fiscal discipline in the EMU, government performance and fiscal transparency (Master degree, English).


2022 (November), Unversity of Lisbon, Lisbon School of Economics and Management (Portugal) : 

  • Macroeconomic governance in the EU/EMU:What about fiscal policy ? (Master degree, English). 


2022 (November), Piraeus University of Athens, Department of Economics (Greece) : 

  • European economic integration and public intervention to fight poverty (Bachelor degree, English),
  • European economic integration and educational systems (Master degree, English). 


2022 (November), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences (Greece) : 

  • Macroeconomic governance in the EU/EMU:What about fiscal policy ? (Master degree, English)

Best Teacher Prize : 


Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD was awarded the "2013 Best Teacher Prize" by the students of the Faculty.


In June 2013 and for the second time at the Faculty, students were asked to vote for their favourite teacher. This poll, which was organised jointly with the AESES (Association des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques de Strasbourg).


For 2012-2013, the winners are Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD and Julien PENIN.

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Last update : September 2024