Research areas

  • Macroeconomics, fiscal policy, fiscal discipline, government performance, fiscal federalism, fiscal union.
  • European integration, EU budget, EU climate action, Next Generation EU. 

Research contracts

IUF (French Ministry of Higher Education and Research) : "Fiscal discipline and government efficiency" (2022-2027).


Jean Monnet Chair (European Commission)  :  "Disseminating on European Fiscal Integration" (2021-2024).


Co-leader of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute "Making European Society" (ITI MAKErS) (Strasbourg University): Interdisciplinary program of training and research (2021-2028).


Project Leader of the IDEX CAPSE (Strasbourg University) :  "For a Common Culture of European Public Action : Application to employment, education, culture and sport" (2017-2020).


Project Leader of the IDEX-CNRS (Strasbourg University) : « Construction and use of indicators in European governance » (2013-2015).

Project Member of the PROJEX (Strasbourg University) : « Strasbourg School for European Studies » (2012-2015)

PhD supervision

BERROUT Carlos (since 2024), Trust in Government and Macroeconomic Performance (co-direction with Thierry BETTI).


KALIENTZIDIS Ioannis (since 2023), Climate change and economic policy design in a permacrisis environment: implication for monetary policy and public debt sustainability (co-direction with Moïse SIDIROPOULOS).


BURLAT Héloïse (since 2022), Continuing Vocational Training for Job Seekers Policy - The case of the Grand-Est Region  (co-direction with Bart COCKX).


METZ Théo (since 2021), Fiscal council and fiscal discipline (co-direction with Thierry BETTI).


EBELING Antoine (since 2020), Macroeconomic impact and alternative methods for financing ecological and energy transition: Application to the EU (co-direction with Samuel LIGONNIERE).


BARET Kéa (2018-2022), Challenges and limites for a golden rul in the EMU : The contribution of Machine Learning Approach (co-direction with Theophilos PAPADIMITRIOU, Thrace University, Greece).


SIMON Agathe (2018-2022), Automatic fiscal stabilizers in the euro zone: Challenges and perspectives for the European Unemployment Benefit (co-direction with Mathieu LEFEBVRE).


THOMMEN Yann (2016-2021), Collective bargaining and labor market in the EU (co-direction with Francesco de PALMA).


DAHMANI Narimène (2015-2019), The economic value and the impact of geographic information in the territories (co-direction with Sandrine WOLFF). 


LE Duc Anh (2013-2017), Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: Evidence from Vietnam

(co-direction with NGUYEN VAN Phu).


MAZUY Nicolas (2013-2020), Impact of monetary union on structural heterogeneities in the EMU

(co-direction with Moïse SIDIROPOULOS).


BETTI Thierry (2011-2015), Fiscal policy and the labor market in the Euro Zone : Multipliers, spillover effets and fiscal federalism(co-direction with Giuseppe DIANA).

Expert activities

Scientific expert for the Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective (Centre d’analyse stratégique before 2013), French Prime Minister Service (Paris, 2007-2014)

Scientific Advisor for the Committee on Budgets of the European Parliament (Brussels, 2013-2014)

Scientific Advisor for the SAFE Commission (Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013) of the European Parliament (Brussels, November 2010)

Scientific expert for the Committee of the Regions of the EU (Brussels, September 2010-June 2011)



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